Time to LIVE

May 13, 2023

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Everyday Organized has been following this simple strategy to help homes and small businesses reach their organizing goals. Over the past several Blog posts, we have discussed the importance of each step in the process.

We have talked about the questions to ask yourself to ensure that you have a good PLAN before you start your organizing project.

We have talked about the importance of SORTing your belongings into categories so you can see everything you have.

We have talked about the need to WEED out the excess clutter to make space for the things you need, use and love.

But, how do we LIVE everyday organized?

To live in a home or office environment that is free of clutter and chaos it is important to organize your “things” in a logical way. Going to all the work of planning, sorting and weeding won’t achieve long-lasting order if everything is just shoved back into cupboards and drawers and onto shelves.

To LIVE organized you need to

  • create specific homes for your belongings,
  • create systems of organization that are easy to remember and follow
  • be on top of daily clutter
  • be a mindful spender

If only living EVERYDAY ORGANIZED was an overnight process – that would be a lot easier! Take time to focus on the process, then take lasting steps maintain your clutter-free, easy, peaceful space, so you can enjoying EVERYDAY organized.





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