Short on Time

Sep 15, 2023

Time can be a huge barrier.

My calendar is full. How about yours?

My pantry is a disaster. How about yours?

If my calendar wasn’t full, then maybe my pantry wouldn’t be a disaster. Maybe I wouldn’t be buying that third cake mix I don’t need (because I already have two but can’t see them behind everything else).

If it isn’t the pantry for you, maybe it’s the basement storage room or the spare bedroom or the bathroom or the home office.

We all have our “I’ll get to it later” spot. 

Not having enough time is a huge barrier to getting and staying organized. Especially when our spaces have got to that “out of control” state, we easily look at them and say, “even if I had some time, I don’t have enough to deal with that!” 

So, what are your options when time is a big barrier to getting organized? 

  • Set a stopwatch for 15 minutes every day and tackle small spaces. Maybe it’s just one shelf in the bookcase, or one pile of papers. Chip away at it little by little. 
  • Set a calendar event (and reminder) for a couple hours and keep it. Decide what space you’re going to tackle and make a point of doing it. If you can schedule a soccer game on your calendar, you can schedule an organizing session. 
  • Take another look at your calendar. Perhaps it is time to start saying "no." Is time to simplify your activities and commitments?

When you organization in your space is falling behind, consult your calendar.

If you need a project done and time is working against you, considering booking a 30-minute consultation with Everyday Organized to see how I can help get you back on track!





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