Pay Up!

Apr 15, 2024

What are you getting in return?

We all have stuff. Clothes, books, gadgets, furniture, and more. But have you ever thought of yourself as a landlord and your stuff as renters? That's right, every item you own is renting space in your home. Just like any landlord, you should expect something in return for the space these items occupy.

So, what do your items give you in exchange for the space they use? Some items might give you joy, comfort, convenience, or utility. But some items might give you nothing but stress, guilt, clutter, or overwhelm.

Good tenants that pay their rent on time and cause no trouble are usually worth having. You should keep them around and treat them well.

Bad tenants that never pay rent without a struggle, damage your property, annoy your neighbours and cause you grief should be evicted to free up some space for better tenants.

How do you identify the bad tenants? Ask yourself these questions;

  • Do I use this item regularly or occasionally?
  • Do I love this item or feel indifferent about it?
  • Does this item serve a specific purpose or is it redundant?

Chances are you have some bad tenants on your hands, all of us do. Don't hesitate to get rid of them, whether by donating, selling, recycling, or trashing if they’ve reached their end of life. You'll feel lighter, happier, and more in control of your space.

Are you ready to try the renting theory of stuff in your own home? If so, I challenge you to pick one room or area in your house and start sorting your items into good and bad tenants. Keep the good ones and get rid of the bad ones. Then, share your results with me and let me know how you feel. I'd love to hear from you. You can find me at or fill out the form at the bottom of the page!





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