Just One Room

Feb 15, 2024

What room would you choose?

If you could perfectly organize just one room in your home this year, which one would it be? Mine is easy. It would be the storage room in my basement or my shed. Wait - that's two!

“But you’re a professional” you might say “you literally help other people organize their home and lives. This is no big deal for you.” And if that’s what you’re thinking, you would be right. . . and wrong!

Helping people get organized is exactly what I do as a Professional Organizer, but whether it is a clients’ “stuff” or my own, getting organized is still a task that takes time and energy.

So how do we make sure it is going to happen at all and that come next year we aren’t still floating through a home that feels heavy and overwhelming?

  • Make organizing a priority
  • Have a plan and vision for your space
  • Set aside time to work on your space
  • Be accountable to yourself or someone else
  • Prepare to let go of things
  • Give yourself a reasonable deadline
  • Get help from friends, family or a professional

You can get on top of what makes your home feel heavy and overwhelming.

You need to be intentional.

You need to be prepared.

You will thank yourself for investing in your physical environment.





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